Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is Attracting Wealth Easy or Hard?

By Jon Mercer

When we hear law of attraction motivational speakers and "gurus" talking about how we are all capable of attracting wealth into our lives, we all want to believe them, but a the same time, believing can be difficult.

The law of attraction works on what we are able to see in our minds. If someone is telling us that we have the capacity to attract hundreds of thousands of dollars into our lives, when we are struggling to make enough money to pay the bills, it can be hard to imagine how that would come about.

That is exactly the problem that stops so many people dead in their tracks; they focus on how. If you are working full time, making a certain amount a month, it is difficult to see a way that you could change that. You probably think about how you are already spending more time than you like at your job, how there is no chance of climbing the ranks and a raise is out of the question, or would still not take you anywhere near where you would like to be financially.

If you work a job where there is opportunities to advance, or you work for commission or tip, it is probably easier to imagine more money coming you way, but chances are you are still trying to think of how the money will come to you.

When you are focusing on how you will be attracting wealth to you, chances are that you are blocking yourself from actually attracting wealth. You might still be able to attract some money, but you are putting a glass ceiling on your dreams.

You don't need to know how it will come about; all you need to do is visualize it happening. If it's hard for you to visualize a certain sum, try focusing on the lifestyle you will have. What kind of house do you live in? What car do you drive? What kind of food do you eat?

Imagine already having it. If you are doing your visualizations and you are feeling an almost desperate need or craving for something, you are not going about it the right way. We don't crave things we already have, we enjoy them. Get your imagination going, and really try to fantasize on how it feels to actually live that life. Attracting wealth is all about using your imagination.

You might find that you have a hard time letting your imagination run free, and consider it something only children do. If so, answer me this: have you ever been able to picture someone breaking into your house? Have you ever felt scared that something might happen to your children? Have you ever walked alone on a dark street and thought someone was coming up behind you when there was no one there?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you have no problems using your imagination to visualize things, you are just trained to misuse it rather than use it for your own benefit. For some reason most of us have no problem imagining bad things happening and believing in them, even though we can't see how exactly it would come about. It's when it comes to positive things we have a hard time.

If we want to be successful in attracting wealth and happiness into our lives, we need to shift our paradigms and learn that to use our imagination to attract to us the things we want, not the things we fear.
Discover the Real Secret to Attract Wealth! Breakthrough Video Series Takes the Law of Attraction to a Whole New Level!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Can Hypnosis MP3's Help You?

By Jon Mercer

The short answer is, yes, probably. Hypnosis has been used in psychotherapy for a long time and is proven very effective in changing behaviors and habits, and hypnosis mp3's are just a way of using modern technology to make hypnosis more available.

Most people have an understanding of hypnosis to be a type of deep sleep or state of unconsciousness, where you are in a highly suggestible state and can be made to do almost anything. This is not an accurate description of hypnosis. According to the University of California San Diego, hypnosis is best described as a state of focused concentration in which a person is "more likely to accept suggestions". A person can be hypnotized by a professional or trained to do self hypnosis from a book or from a hypnotherapist. In recent years, there is also a lot of good material available online, like hypnosis mp3's. Also according to UCSD, hypnosis has been recognizes by the American Medical Association since 1958.

When under hypnosis, you are in a kind of trance that can make it more likely for you to accept suggestions. A hypnotherapist or a tape can not "fix" you, but it can help you help yourself. It seems that under hypnosis, people accept ideas more easily, and this can help them deal with their issues differently.

Contrary to popular belief, you can not be hypnotized against your will, and you can not be made to do something you don't want when you are hypnotized. You are not unconscious when you are under hypnosis so you are still able to focus on external sensations and you are still aware of what is going on.

Some people prefer self-hypnosis or hypnosis mp3's over working with another person because they are not comfortable with someone else controlling what suggestions are given to them. Self hypnosis usually includes learning to write a script for yourself and then recording it onto a tape to play back. Hypnosis mp3's are usually ready made, and can cover almost any issue. In some cases you can also order hypnosis mp3's custom made for your purposes.

Some of the most common issues that can be helped with hypnosis are pain, anxiety and depression, smoking and weight problems, but there are hypnosis mp3's available online for hundreds of other topics. You can get hypnosis mp3's to help with anything from tinnitus to picking at your zits.

Going to see a therapist specialized in hypnosis can be very expensive and is not always covered by your health insurance company. You usually need to come back several times and this can end up costing you thousands of dollars. You also need to start over with each new issue you want help with. In some areas you can also have difficulty finding a good therapist.

Buying hypnosis mp3's online is much cheaper and easier than a therapist, and you can buy several mp3's dealing with different needs at the same time. Using hypnosis mp3's also allows you to deal with your problems without anyone else needing to know what you are dealing with.
The Power to Change! Breakthrough Hypnosis MP3s You CAN change! Certified Hypnotherapist-Designed Hypnosis Downloads.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Reframing and Befriending Rejection

By Sherene McHenry PhD

Life, by its very nature, entails rejection. Even the most beautiful and powerful among us are not immune from it. Princess Diana, Abraham Lincoln, Al Gore, Jennifer Aniston and everyone voted off Survivor has suffered rejection's sting. At least the vast majority of us can be grateful that millions didn't watch our rejection on TV or read about it in the tabloids!

I'm dating. Now there's a land ripe for rejection! Who hasn't heard, and said, "You're a great person, but..." Unfortunately, rejection isn't limited to dating. It happens with jobs, friends, clubs, athletics, colleges...

One thing I know. If you're out there taking chances, you're going to suffer rejection. Those who try to totally avoid rejection never leave home, and that's a diagnosable illness! The truth is, the more chances we take, the more we open ourselves up to the pain of rejection. But, as Radames sings in Aida, "Fortune favors the bold!"

Where would we be if Christopher Columbus had stayed home, or Lincoln hadn't chosen to run for president, despite having lost almost every other election he'd ever attempted? Unwilling to live lives of quiet desperation or mediocrity, those who achieve great things regularly risk rejection.

When rejection inevitably comes our way, we have three choices:

1). Shutoff our hopes, dreams and feelings. Many make this devastating decision in an attempt to stop the pain. I understand why-- rejection feels terrible and appears to confirm our deepest fears as it whispers we're inadequate, worth fighting for, or enough! The problem with shutting off our hopes, dreams and feelings is that it limits our ability to live. Furthermore, it prevents us from growing, achieving and eventually acquiring the very things we desire!

2). Learn from it. Sometimes rejection occurs for a valid reason. Healthy individuals search to see if changes are in order and act accordingly. At the same time, rejection isn't always about you! Others approach the world from their own needs and brokenness--maybe their mom dropped them on their head. Perhaps they've had bad experiences in the past. Who knows, you may even look like their second grade teacher! Or, just maybe, someone else is a better fit. Regardless of how it may feel, rejection isn't always personal!

3). Choose to view it as protection. Looking back on my life, I clearly see God's hand of protection through many of the rejections I've experienced-especially when I was unwilling to protect myself. Beyond greater pain and potential disaster being adverted, in the long run I've often received something far better. Like in Garth Brooks' "Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers..."

Ultimately, each of us is responsible for growing and for taking the steps and risks to achieve our dreams. If you want to meet Prince Charming, you can't spend your life in front of your television. Nor will you land the job of your dreams if you never let people know you're looking.

While we can't control rejection, the choice to learn, grow and move forward is always ours. If you've closed your heart, ask God to heal it. Find a good counselor if you can't get over things on your own. I personally owe a great deal to counselors-it's amazing how helpful a well-trained, objective third party can be! Lastly, realize that while painful, rejection isn't fatal. Get out there, take appropriate chances and remember-- "To the riskers go the spoils!"
Human relations expert Dr. Sherene McHenry, is passionate about helping others live life to the fullest. Visit or call 989-621-3763 to learn more about how Sherene can help you achieve your dreams.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Earn Money Online - 3 Strategies For A Successful Product Launch

By Jeff Casmer

What if I told you that the number one reason online marketers fail to earn money online with their products has nothing to do with the product? The fact is anyone online can have their own product and if you want to earn money on the internet it's best that you do. However, unless you consider the following three tips you may not get a successful product launch.

1. Research your product

The internet is a gateway for quiet geniuses to earn money at home. There are number of great minds out there who spend hours creating a worthy product. Whether it's a piece of software or an information product for self help searchers, new products are popping up on up everywhere, everyday.

This means that unless you are the absolute first to develop a product of that kind you have competition. No matter how ingenious you feel your product is someone is creating something closely related. While this may seem like a negative drawback, it isn't.

Knowing that you have competition lets you know there is a market but more importantly it lets you compare your product to your competition. It's recommended that before you even begin to spend hours creating your product you instead spend hours researching your competition. Know as much about your competition as they know about themselves, having a keen understanding of your competition helps with the next tip.

Products that have an excellent USP generally earn money online. Online shopping is best known as comparison shopping. Unlike shopping offline, online buyers don't have to settle for whatever comes close to their needs because comparing you to other merchants is no hassle. Consumers look at other vendors offering the same product. They look at price, ease of transaction, service, and anything else that will tell them who is giving them the best product for their money. Without a USP your product will be left in the dust.

Don't become emotionally attached

3. In order to be successful with the first two and earn money online with your product it's recommended that you detach yourself from your product. One of the greatest reasons why people don't earn money with their product launch is because they are too emotionally attached to their product. It's not their fault. When you dedicate so much of your time to creating something you are bound to become attached.

However, unless you learn to take a step back, you won't really earn money at home; you won't be able to look at your marketing creatives with a critical eye. People who are too emotionally invested in their product launch tend not to deeply research their competition and tend to take negative feedback unconstructively.

People will always have something to say and a great deal of critics will form an opinion without even purchasing the product. All those off-putting pessimists can undermine anyone's confidence. However, successful product launching means you need to be able to handle the criticism that will inevitably come your way. Rather than letting the negative feedback devastate your marketing efforts, understand that comments are not a true reflection of your product.
Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on earning money online please visit his "Top Ranked" Earn Money Online Directory which gives you all the information you need to Work At Home in the 21st century.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Releasing Negative Situations with the Law of Attraction

By Beth Mccain

We got a call from our 23-year old daughter the other day that got me to thinking about getting to the root of a problem, and then letting it go. She was upset that a guy she was interested in was playing an immature "trying to make her jealous" game. Not only did it not make her jealous, it actually made her mad. She said that at work the next day, all she could think about was how upset she was about the incident and so she called us to find out how to let go of the situation. This is what we told her.

When you have a situation that upsets you, first examine the real reason you're upset. Remember, when you are upset it always comes back to you and your thoughts and feelings. The root of the problem is usually right there within you and it may take some searching, but you can find it.

With our daughter, she said she couldn't think of why it upset her and that is what upset her the most. I asked her if maybe it was because the guy she thought he was, turned out to be not what she wanted. She said that wasn't a big deal; that she knew there were other fish in the sea. So I told her let's go a little deeper.

Was she upset with the fact that he actually made her jealous, or was she upset with the fact that maybe he had figured how to upset her? She went silent, and that's when I knew we hit on the root of the problem. You see, she is a hard one to figure out, and compounding the matter is that she usually can figure the guy out way before he can remotely think of figuring her out. This particular guy had figured her out first, and it upset her that someone she barely knew could press her buttons that quickly. She felt unprotected and insecure. There was her problem. Now it was time to find the solution.

She realized why she was upset: She felt vulnerable and someone took advantage of that feeling. Now was the time to let the situation go.

So, she was vulnerable. Big Deal. We told her not to put up her defensive walls, but instead to work through the fact that she can be vulnerable and that is totally okay. This was about her, not about the guy. He was a long forgotten part of the equation. Once she figured out that it was about feeling insecure, she no longer felt insecure. By figuring out what the root of the problem was, it didn't seem scary any longer. She was able to shine light on the problem.

Her solution: Realizing that there are many fish in the sea and that the qualities that this particular guy did have, can be found in another guy who doesn't come with the need to make girls feel insecure. In actuality he was the one feeling insecure and he was creating his world, and she merely became a part of it. But only for a little while. Once she figured out that she didn't want to be a part of the world that he was creating, she became empowered and felt more secure than ever.

Finding the source of the upset and letting the situation go is a freeing experience. You no longer become attached to the situation or put energy toward it, and by letting it go you are no longer a slave to the negative feelings and thoughts that were connected to the circumstance. In other words, you won't be attracting more of the same. Let go and see how the Law of Attraction takes care of you.
Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Article Source:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Are You Prepared For Opportunity?

By Braden Pilling

Were you able to identify some hidden assets in your environment? I am confident that if you spent some time observing and going through the action items from the last article you definitely made some progress and potentially uncovered some "gem" opportunities.

Before we go too much further into understanding and experiencing the world of entrepreneurialism let's make sure we get our arms around one of our favorite words, opportunity?

People have a very hard time understanding the complexities of Love. I would like to conjecture that understanding Opportunity can be equally confusing.

This can be illustrated by trying to answer the following questions:

1. What is Opportunity?

2. How do you know when it is real and genuine?

3. How do you know when and how to take action?

4. What will be the potential outcomes/results of your action or non-action?

5. Where do you seek advice and opinions?

6. Should you let the advice and opinions of others affect your decision?

1. What is opportunity? Opportunity is defined as a good chance for advancement or progress. That's a start, but the next questions should be advancement or progress towards what objective and is their other, better alternative opportunities available?

Knowing what you want and constructing a life plan is the backbone for opportunity. Developing your plan combined with our Balance Matrix (introduction coming soon) will dictate what type of opportunities you will consider to act on, how to decide if the opportunity can take you closer to your goals or further away and to create "buy in" from your family members.

Identifying alternative Options - this is paramount! Once you know what you want and your plan has been created you need to know what all the applicable opportunity options are that can bring you closer to your goals and objectives and ultimately your definition of success. The simplest example I can give you is the following:

1. Your goal is to watch an hour of television and you want to watch something inspiring.
2. Your strategy is to find the TV program by looking at your TV guide.
3. Your Opportunity Options are every channel in your subscription.
4. Your Decision - you have 2 further options
a. Stop and watch the first TV show you come across that fits your criteria.

b. Consider every TV show and its programming content before you decide.

Which option A or B will give you a higher probability of getting what you want?

2. How do you know when it is real and genuine? This question stops most people from acting on an opportunity. Unfortunately, the "crooks", "scammers" and little value offers are everywhere and running "wild and free" in the information age. This has made this question even more relevant and more difficult to answer. Let's touch on a few key points that will surely help you identify the real from the "red flag" opportunities.

1. Is their web-site professional looking? This certainly is based on opinion and even though it may be professional does not guarantee anything. However, a site that is professional with a lot of content, extra features like video, sound, polls, forums, etc. at least demonstrates the web-site should remain on-line for some period of time.
2. Is there information about the company with contact information? If there is no contact information or phone number it could represent a "red flag". Try contacting them with a question and see if they respond, how long it takes to respond and the quality of their response.
3. Are there testimonials? If so, can you contact the testimonials? If not, ask the company if you can contact some of their testimonials.
4. Do a company search on-line to see if you can find additional information about the company. Just beware of the source of information. In some cases you will have to determine if the source is real and genuine before you consider their opinion or facts.

3. How do you know when and how to take action? Let's assume the opportunity is real and genuine and you have looked at several different options so far. If you have constructed a well thought out plan using the Balance Matrix this decision becomes relatively easy. Don't believe how easy it can become, keep reading. If you act on this opportunity will it get you closer to your ultimate goals? Will you have to sacrifice any other important elements in your life? If so, how many elements and for how long? Are there any key people in your life your decision will affect? If so, how do they feel about it and have they bought into your plan? If the answers to these questions are favorable your decision becomes much easier.

4. What will be the potential outcomes/results of your action or non-action? This is where any mindset, awareness and abstract thinking training become very important. Try to project into the future your decisions and actions. How do you see people responding, behaving and interacting with you? If you do not act on this opportunity will you ever have another chance to get involved again?

5. Where do you seek advice and opinions? I highly recommend getting second opinions about large decisions in your life. It costs you nothing, but some time to seek this advice. However, this can potentially lead to poor decision making if you are putting all of your faith into this advice. Why? No one knows what is best for you and your situation more than you do. Do the people you are seeking advice from truly have your best interest in mind? If you ask a non-risk taker about an opportunity with an element of risk, what do you suppose their answer will be? The best answer to this question is to have a circle or group of people you trust, have integrity, are like-minded, have previous experience or knowledge in the realm of the question you are asking.

6. Should you let the advice and opinions of others affect your decision? Depends. If you have a reliable, knowledgeable and trustworthy source I would suggest you take their advice into consideration. If you are in 100% agreement with what more than one reliable source has told you, you should feel good about moving forward in that direction. If you or any reliable source is less than 100% confident about the decision and you have more time to prepare your due diligence and weigh out your options and potential consequences take the time to do so.

The bottom line is to prepare yourself for decision making by creating a plan, setting goals, looking at all the options and opportunities, finding reliable sources, training your mind for decision making and practicing the process on smaller more insignificant decisions. Once you create confidence in yourself, your sources and your ability to make decisions you have increased your chances of success and capitalizing on opportunities immensely. Remember, there is no such thing as an opportunity unless you are prepared to take action.

Braden Pilling

Can YOU Make Money Online As A Stay At Home Mom?

By Jo Mark

This article is not asking whether people in general can make money online, but can YOU make money online. In order to make money with an online business, you need to have a certain attitude and accomplish certain goals. The question is, do you have the time, temperament, and flexibility to make money online.

First of all, you need to determine how much time you can commit to your online business. If you can spend an hour a day, that's great. If you can spend just an hour a week, that is another story. So your first order of business is to figure how much time you have.

Next, what type of skills do you have and what do you enjoy doing? Are you good at writing? If so, and you want to start making money right away, you are in luck. There is always great demand for people who can write quality articles just like this one for the Internet.

Are you a programmer or knowledgeable using html? These skills are also in great demand and can command very attractive incomes on the Internet.

Do you have a sexy voice? You may be able to make money by doing voice-overs for audio presentations or you may be able to do video presentations. This is a growing trend on the Internet and I think that this area will continue to grow in the future.

Do you have extensive knowledge in a particular area? If so, there are many opportunities open to you. To name just a few, you can publish a newsletter, do a question and answer type blog, or write ebooks.

All of the opportunities above require some type of specialized skill. But those with fewer skills can also make money online. For example, many college students make money by registering with companies to take surveys. You won't get rich doing this but, depending on the amount of time you have available, you may be able to make $20 to $100 per month.

As you can see from the above list, money making opportunities abound on the Internet. If you are considering whether you want to be a stay at home mom, do some research. Determine your skills, time availability, likes/dislikes temperament, and ambitions. There are thousands (maybe millions) of ways to make money online. You are only limited by your imagination.